E-STOVE ‘The Next Generation Smart Stove'
An innovative version of Cooking gas stove, which is able to communicate with the user
The proposed innovation (Patent filed on 09/09/2019-Status: Published) is of adding some of smart-IoT, security, safety features to the existing LPG (or else any type) gas stove. An innovative version of Cooking gas stove, which is able to communicate with the user, to know how much gas is left in the gas cylinder or how much of gas is consumed by the gas stove (for pipeline connection users), also with security and privacy features combined with safety alert systems incorporated with a new model for gas extrusion system and to let the user to analyse the internal as well working of their product.

Mohamed Saheer Marakathel
ECE 2020 from NSSCE

Akhil Raj P
ICE 2020 from NSSCE